Unresolved Issues



Do you struggle with issues you have not yet resolved and they continue to affect your life in some way?

Maybe you have unresolved issues with someone who has passed and you struggle with related feelings and emotions because you never got the closure you desire or need.

Maybe you have unresolved issues related to a past situation or trauma that you experienced and have difficulty moving forward in life or in relationships as a result.

Maybe your past is causing you issues and difficulties in your present life or relationships and you aren’t aware of it.

Do you have unexplained emotions like anger or irritability and don’t understand why or where these are coming from?

Have you been having nightmares or memories about something you thought was forgotten? 

Maybe a recent situation involving a disagreement or conflict is causing you to struggle in some way.

If you can relate to any of these or know for sure that you are suffering with unresolved issues, 

you’re not alone!

It is a normal part of life to experience things that can affect us emotionally, mentally, or physically, and sometimes even all at once. 

Some situations can involve a simple argument or disagreement, while others may be more serious or even traumatic. Sometimes you are able to move past such situations and get on with your life in peace, however, when you are unable to move forward due to unresolved issues related to these situations it can negatively affect your physical, mental and emotional health.   

When we carry unresolved issues with us through life, it can ultimately lead to issues in our personal lives, work, or relationships. Additionally, carrying unresolved issues can cause you to become physically sick or experience physical pain. It can also cause mental issues including high levels of stress, low self-esteem, difficulty sleeping, eating or concentrating, anxiety and depression. For some it can manifest into PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), or substance abuse.

Whether your unresolved issues are related to a serious trauma or non-traumatic event, you are likely to experience some level of physical, mental or emotional symptoms.

To clarify, a traumatic event is typically defined as an event or series of events that cause high levels of stress usually marked by violence, immediate threats to safety or security, serious injury or death, extreme fear or discomfort, and feelings of helplessness or no escape. A non-traumatic event is typically defined as an event that can be highly stressful but does not involve violence, death or serious injury.

However, any highly stressful situation you experience can be traumatizing to you and thus, may cause all of the same symptoms to occur and even last for prolonged periods of time. This is because we all experience, perceive, and are affected by situations differently. There are no rules when it comes to your own experiences, emotions and feelings; therefore, what you go through may be traumatizing to you or your life whether or not it is formally defined as a traumatic event. Thus it may cause you to suffer with similar symptoms.

The following signs and symptoms may indicate that you have unresolved trauma: 

Flashbacks or reoccurring memories, nightmares, unexplainable anger, difficulty sleeping, eating or concentrating, unexplained irritability, anxiety or panic attacks, being in a constant state of high-alert, jumpiness or fear of danger. Living with unresolved trauma increases your risk for physical, emotional, and mental health problems, including more serious diagnoses if left unaddressed and untreated.

If you know or feel you are suffering from trauma...please read the 

"PTSD, Trauma, Past Related Issues" section on the TREATMENT AREAS menu 

to learn more information specifically about those areas.

Unresolved issues without trauma can also cause negative effects on our health and well-being. They can cause physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that for some could lead to a more serious diagnosis. Carrying unresolved issues with you through life is not only unhealthy but it is also unnecessary. Why carry such a burden when there are many other aspects of life you can be focusing on and enjoying without distraction or intrusion?

Psychotherapy and CBT are evidenced based treatments that have been proven to be successful and the most effective forms of treatment for depression, anxiety and related stresses. They are very helpful in addressing and treating all of the symptoms related to unresolved issues and their impact on life. As I have mentioned on my other pages on this site, I use CBT as the basis for my psychotherapy, along with other methods, approaches, and strategies tailored to you as a unique individual to help you gain all you need from your journey through the therapy process. 

Together we can help you understand, address, and resolve issues that have been distracting or preventing you from being the best version of you!

If you think you're ready to start therapy & your journey towards unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!

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