Stress and Stress Management



Are you currently under a lot of stress in your life?

Are you feeling stressed in your relationship, at work or at home?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with many things you have to take care of all at once?

Do you struggle with constant stresses of day to day life, health issues, social or personal issues?

Are you always worrying about things that have to get done or addressed?

Do you have trouble sleeping or concentrating; feel tired, depressed or anxious because of all you have on your plate or mind?

Are you constantly on the go taking care of everything, working, running errands, etc., and feel exhausted all the time?

Do you feel like you never have enough time to do all of the things that have to get done?

Do you often put off enjoyable things to tend to necessary things?

Do you typically put others ahead of yourself and find little or no time for you?

If you answered yes or can relate to any of the above you’re probably experiencing stress in your life on some level. 

If you are, you’re not alone; we all feel the stresses of life on some level and at all different times

Many aspects of life can be stressful such as having many things to take care of on a regular basis, dealing with issues or circumstances that come up, or facing responsibilities and/or deadlines. It’s normal to have some type of stresses in life, but when those stresses become long-term or chronic, and start to affect your health or functioning, it can be or eventually become a serious problem. 

The risk for developing medical and mental health problems increases when we experience stress that becomes chronic and overwhelming. When we experience stress on a chronic basis for a prolonged period of time we have a higher risk of developing mental and physical issues including anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, fatigue, pain, headaches, body aches and muscle tension, to name a few. Additionally, long-term or chronic stress causes chemical changes in your immune system that render you more susceptible to medical illnesses that can result in increasing your mental health symptoms. It can also make any current health issues you have even worse. Stress has been linked to medical ailments including heart problems, high blood pressure, asthma, and gastrointestinal problems.

If you’re under a lot of stress in your life and feel it is affecting your health and/or functioning, you should first seek help from your medical doctor to check for other potential causes of your symptoms or to figure out if stress is the result of a medical condition. 

In addition you could consider psychotherapy to help address the stresses you are facing, gain control over them, and learn tools and skills to better cope with, manage, or reduce them.

As I mentioned on other pages on this site, both psychotherapy and CBT have been proven to be the most effective treatments for depression, anxiety and related stress. Psychotherapy and CBT can help you to gain insight into stress related symptoms and help you to learn how to take control over, decrease, and even eliminate them. As I have also shared on previous pages, I use CBT as the basis for my psychotherapy, as well as other helpful methods, tools, and strategies tailored to you as a unique individual to help you get complete care, support, and healing throughout your journey in therapy. This includes various tools for stress management and stress reduction, such as relaxation, meditation, deep breathing, and other helpful tools. I may even include use of or adapting your personal skills, talents & interests such as art, music, dance, etc., to enhance your healing.

Together we can help you make the changes that will lead to a healthier you!   

If you think you're ready to start therapy & your journey towards unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!


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