Single Person Related Issues


Are you a single person struggling with issues or pressures because you’re single?

Are you dealing with pressures from your family because you’re single?

Are you struggling with dating as a single person?

Are you a newly single person struggling with or adjusting to this new status?

Are you a newly single person struggling in the dating world of today?

Are you feeling lonely, depressed or anxious because you’re single?

Are you finding it frustrating always having to “defend yourself” or answer to others judging you about your single status?

If you can relate to any of the above or are struggling with other issues related to being single,

you’re not alone! 

Studies show that just over 50% of Americans are single and the majority of them report loneliness.

Besides loneliness, other issues single people face could include financial difficulties, not having someone to share burdens with, being the only single person in one’s social group, not having a partner for life situations or circumstances, having to adjust to being newly single after a breakup or loss of ones partner, or having low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety. 

Maybe you’re single by choice, but others have difficulty understanding or accepting this and you are struggling with how to help them understand. Maybe you are single by choice and struggle with emotions, feelings, or circumstances related to living life as a single person. Maybe you’re not single by choice and have emotions or feelings that you may need some help working through. Maybe you are single and struggling in the dating world of today and are in need of some extra support or help dealing with your related feelings and emotions. 

Whether you are single by choice or single because you haven’t found the right person to share your life with yet, you may be dealing with issues of loneliness, isolation, depression, or anxiety related to your situation.

Studies have shown that when experiencing loneliness, you are also more likely to suffer from higher levels of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, adjustment problems, and other psychological symptoms.

If you are dealing or struggling with any of the above situations or symptoms related to being single and are in need of help working through your feelings and emotions, gaining insight into underlying causes, making decisions or addressing pressures put upon you by others, or simply need someone to just listen and support, consider psychotherapy. The use of CBT and psychotherapy together have been proven to be highly effective for treating emotional, interpersonal, and behavioral issues, as well as the most effective treatment for depression, anxiety & related stresses. Together they can help address and treat any issues you may be experiencing as a single person.

As I have mentioned on other pages on this site, I use CBT as the basis for my psychotherapy practice along with other helpful approaches, strategies, and methods tailored to you as a unique individual to help you gain as much as you need from your journey in therapy. 

Together we can help you get on the path of healing 

and achieve desired changes in your life and in yourself!

guy on rock

If you think you're ready to start therapy & your journey towards unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!

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