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IN-PERSON Sessions at the office of A Different View Psychotherapy in Centereach NY 


TELEHEALTH Sessions through a secure video-chat platform

                                    (*Click on the THERAPY TYPES button on the main menu to learn more about each)

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Treatment Areas include:


Career and Job related Issues

Communication and Self-Expression Issues

Conflict Resolution

Coping Skills

Couples and Marital Counseling

Depression and Mood

Family Counseling

Grief and Loss

Life Stage Issues

Life Transitions

Medical and Chronic Pain Issues

Pre-Marital Counseling

PTSD, Trauma, Past Issues

Relationships and Intimacy Issues

Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Image Issues

Single Person Issues

Stress and Stress Management

Unresolved Issues

(Click on the TREATMENT AREAS button on the main menu to learn more about each)

Methods, Approaches & Strategies I use:

I provide therapy and counseling to individuals, couples and families for a wide range of behavioral and emotional issues. As I mentioned on the Welcome page, I treat each client as a unique individual; combining my psychotherapy with CBT and various other methods, approaches and strategies tailored in personalized ways that address their individual needs to help them thrive, achieve desired goals, reach their full potential, and live the life they desire. I am also trained in Mindfulness which I utilize along with a client-centered approach combined with empowerment & self-esteem building for all clients. 

A bit about CBT and how it can help as part of our journey together...

Both Psychotherapy (talk therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) are evidenced based treatments for mental health issues. Psychotherapy is considered the most effective therapy for depression and anxiety and CBT is a form of psychotherapy considered to be the most effective method for treating depression, anxiety & related stresses. Both are highly effective in addressing and treating many emotional, mental and interpersonal issues. 

CBT, helps you to learn about your thoughts and perspectives, how they govern your behaviors & how even minor adjustments in your thought process can make desired changes in your life to help you heal and grow; learn how to have an "Open Mind For A Different View"  and healing, growth, and even desired changes can come your way! 

One prominent example of areas in need of CBT work is...negative thinking. Do you tend to have negative thoughts? We all have negative thoughts from time to time, but it's how they effect us and life that can be an issue of concern. Consider these questions for a often do you have negative thoughts, feel like a failure because things fell short of what you desired them to be, felt like everything is doomed because one thing went "wrong", dwell on something over & over, felt responsible for things that happened even though they were out of your control, feel as if others are treating you negatively without a reason to, or find yourself minimizing or catastrophizing events for one reason or another? These are just a few ways negative thoughts effect us and our lives, there are many more, but through the use of CBT as part of your therapy you will learn that... 

Negative thoughts stifle your healing, your growth, your identity, and your soul.

Through Psychotherapy & CBT along with the other methods, approaches & strategies I use, I will help you to: 

Open your mind up to A Different View of yourself, your experiences, your relationships, & your life and make the changes you never thought you could. You can change the things you want to change, you can reach your goals, you can live up to your full potential, you can grow, you can heal, you can move forward, and you can thrive!!! 

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Some of the other Methods, Approaches & Strategies I use along with CBT include:

Emotion Therapy, which helps you to learn about your emotions and what they mean to you, your life, and your loved ones within yourself and in relationships

DBT, which helps you to learn healthy ways to cope with stresses, improve behaviors, relationships, & self-care, acceptance, and mindfulness including living in the moment

Behavioral Therapy, which helps you to learn about your behaviors and ways to change undesirable ones

Solution Focused Therapy, which helps you to learn and apply problem solving to your life and situations

Rational-Emotive Therapy, which helps you to recognize and regulate your thoughts, feelings and emotions & apply them successfully in life

Strength based Therapy, which helps you to recognize and utilize your strengths to encourage growth, as well as self-esteem building

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, which combines CBT skills with mindfulness skills

Stress Management and Relaxation, which helps you to learn healthy skills for managing and reducing stress

Whole Person Therapy, which encompasses all aspects of you as an individual including Mind, Body & Spirit

There is more to you than just a single quality or characteristic, 

you are a whole person with a Mind, a Body & a Spirit 

and nurturing all of those elements can help the whole you 

grow, heal & emerge.

Whether you're seeking therapy to help you through a transition, challenge, struggle, or difficulty, you have current or past issues that are affecting your life, work, relationship, or functioning, or you just need some extra support through a tough time, I can help!   

Together through psychotherapy and the power of healing we can help you... 

Achieve your desired & needed goals,

Discover your inner self awaiting to emerge, 

Reinvent yourself by allowing self-discovery of who you really are, who you desire to be 

& who you can become, 

and ultimately Change your relationships, your life & your future! 

Call me at (631) 339-1326 for your free phone consultation 

and if You and A Different View Psychotherapy are the right fit, 

we will work together using a personalized combination of methods, strategies and approaches 

to help with all of your individual and unique needs.

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