Life Transitions



Are you transitioning from being dependent on someone else to now finding your own independence?

Are you transitioning from high school into college or vocational school?

Are you transitioning into a new job, between jobs or a career change?

Are you transitioning from working for someone else to being your own boss?

Are you transitioning from being single to married?

Are you transitioning from being married to being single again?

Are you transitioning into being a parent for the first time?

Are you transitioning into a new town or state of residence?

Are you transitioning into retirement after many years of working?

These are only a few examples of the many transitions we all face in life at all stages and ages. 

No matter what transition in life you are facing you’re not alone if you feel stressed, worried, confused, uncertain, nervous, anxious, scared, or depressed. 

Many of the transitions we face in life can be wonderful and exciting, but they can also be difficult and challenging and sometimes can even be frightening. Sometimes we can face them alone and get through them successfully. Other times we may need help from our support system such as friends, family, and other positive people in our life. However, sometimes these transitions can be overwhelming when facing them on our own and we may need some extra help from an unbiased, objective, non-judgmental professional who is caring and understanding with knowledge of how to assist with the challenges we are faced with.

If you’re facing an inevitable or in the middle of a transition and you’re feeling overwhelmed and in need of someone to listen, support, provide clarity, and assist you in the process, consider psychotherapy to help. In psychotherapy you will have a safe and private place to talk through all of your feelings and emotions related to the transition you are facing. You will also have non-judgmental support from a caring professional that will help you to gain insight into your feelings, help you understand them better, and give you the tools you will need to make decisions about and cope with changes related to any transition you face.

The use of psychotherapy and CBT together have been proven to be highly effective for treating emotional, interpersonal, and behavioral issues, as well as the most effective treatment for depression, anxiety & related stresses. When faced with transitions in life you are likely to be dealing with some, if not all of these. As mentioned on previous pages I use CBT as the basis for my psychotherapy practice along with other helpful approaches, strategies, and methods tailored to you as a unique individual to help you gain as much as you need from your journey in therapy.

Think about the transition in question, where you are and where you’d like to be, whether or not your choices and decisions have been helping you, and how you’re feeling. If you feel as if you’re having difficulty handling the emotions related to your transition, making decisions related to the transition, or if you, your daily functioning, or your relationships are struggling as a result of this transition, consider engaging in psychotherapy to help you adjust, cope, accept or simply support you. 

If you think you're ready to start therapy & your journey towards unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!

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