Life Stage Issues

stages butterly


Maybe you’re about to graduate from high school and feel anxious, worried, uncertain or even depressed about the future…moving away from home, starting college or trade school, starting a job, ending or changes in friendships, etc.

Maybe you’re in your twenties and facing difficult life transitions, major events, changes or struggles causing you to feel anxious, worried or stressed…long work hours, developing long-term relationships, heartbreak, getting married, having children, etc.

Maybe you’re facing new challenges or struggles in your life now that you’re in your 30s, 40s, or 50s that cause you to feel stressed out, anxious, worried, or even depressed…job or career changes, financial worries, relationship changes or issues, balancing work and personal schedules, etc.

Maybe you’re in your older years and are now facing new struggles causing you to feel uncertain, anxious, worried, stressed, sad, lonely or depressed…age related health problems, retirement, financial strains, death of loved ones, facing a new pace in life or loss of independence, making important end of life decisions, or contemplating a major move, etc.   

If you can relate to any of the above scenarios the good news is you’re human! 

We all go through various stages of life from birth into childhood, then from childhood into adolescence, followed by young adulthood, adulthood, and finally older adulthood. When going through these life stages we experience changes in ourselves not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Some of these changes we may experience are new and exciting resulting in happy times of growth, exploration and self-discovery. However, some of these changes can also be challenging, difficult, and sometimes even frightening.       

If you’re in the Young Adult stage (ages 17 to 25 years) you may be facing some very challenging times in your life as you may be in the midst of working towards completing your education, graduating from high school, making decisions about attending vocational school or college, making job or career choices, facing possible endings of long-time friendships as your friends go off to college or schools out of state, and dealing with all of the issues that come along with transitioning into adulthood. This is a time of life when you’re trying to redefine your identity, enjoying new freedoms, building new relationships, experiencing new things, and possibly even making physical moves such as out of your home into a college dorm or into your own apartment for the first time. All of these, while exciting and wonderful in their own right, can also be challenging and scary for someone facing them for the first time.

If you’re an adult you may be facing some very challenging times in your life as you may be in the midst of making serious decisions about your future such as getting married, having children, job or career changes or endings, financial stability, long-term commitments, or even worrying about all of the issues that will come along with the eventual transition into older adulthood. All of these can be challenging and even scary at times.

If you’re an older adult you may be facing some difficult times in your life as you may be in the midst of making serious decisions about your future such as retirement, finding a new identity at this stage in your life, financial changes that may cause changes in your way of living, dealing with grief and loss of loved ones and how to move forward without them, making changes in work or personal life due to ailments that cause you to have limitations or lose your independence, and all of the issues that come along with the transition into older adulthood. All of these can be challenging and even scary at times, especially if you are alone or have little supports in your life.

Sometimes we can get through these stages on our own with no help or with the help of our support systems such as friends, family or other positive people in our lives. However, sometimes these can be more challenging to face or get through on our own and we find ourselves feeling anxious, depressed or questioning who we are or what we already know. When these experiences in life cause difficulty in your daily functioning, in your relationships, or in yourself, you may need some extra help from someone who is non-judgmental, supportive and knowledgeable.

Studies show:

-the onset of mental disorders occurs during young adulthood. 

-75% of adults have a mental health diagnosis and experience their first symptom by age 24.

-15% of adults 60 years and older have a mental health disorder. 

In general, depression and anxiety are prevalent in all of these age groups. 

Psychotherapy is an evidenced based form of therapy that is considered to be the most effective treatment for anxiety & depression. Additionally, CBT is a form of psychotherapy considered to be the most effective method used to treat both depression and anxiety, as well as related stresses. Together they are very effective in treating and addressing many emotional, interpersonal and behavioral issues that we all face when going through life stages. As mentioned on previous pages, I use CBT as the basis for my psychotherapy practice as well as other approaches, methods and strategies tailored to you as a unique individual on your own personal journey in the therapeutic process.          

Think about your current life stage, where you are and where you’d like to be, whether or not your choices and decisions have been helping you, and how you’re feeling. If you feel as if you’re struggling, having difficulty moving through or even “stuck” in one of these stages consider psychotherapy to help you find your way back to a healthier you! 

If you're struggling with issues related to the stage of life you're in or facing 

& you think you're ready to start therapy & your journey towards unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!

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