Family Counseling



Have you been having arguments, disagreements, or differences of opinion with your family members that are causing strain on the relationship?

Has your family been going through a tough situation that has been difficult to handle, cope with or move on from?

Has your family experienced a significant life-changing event or loss that has impacted everyone?

Maybe your family has undergone a relocation or transition that is difficult on all or some family members, causing friction or frustration.

Maybe your relationships with certain family members have become distant or estranged and you’re struggling with related emotions and/or decisions.

Have you been feeling resentful, guilty or ashamed of things that may have been said to a family member in the heat of passion at some point and you’d like to resolve the issues and renew the relationship?

Contrarily, have you been feeling neglected, hurt, ignored, or unheard by family members and would like to work through these feelings and maybe try to resolve them?

All families go through some type of conflict, issues, struggles or difficulties throughout life. 

You're not alone... 

As a result of these issues we can often times experience feelings of anxiety, depression, or other emotional, behavioral, or mental health issues like low self-esteem, feeling unloved, not good enough or forgotten, loneliness, abandonment or betrayal to name a few. When we allow these symptoms to go on for extended periods of time, not only are we causing ourselves to suffer, but we may also be causing suffering to those we love. When issues arise within a family unit we face many more levels of symptoms and suffering because it’s not only our own feelings, but the feelings of each member, whether or not it is obvious that everyone is suffering in some way. For example, an argument between two members can be secretly effecting another member in ways you may not be able to see in plain sight because that member may be afraid to speak up for fear of making things worse; in turn suffering in silence and alone.    

Whatever the causes or reasons for the issues you may be facing within your family, there is help and support for you. Whether your whole family is ready and willing to engage in the therapy process together or you are seeking therapy as an individual to begin working on the issues on your own, I am here to help. 

Through psychotherapy you can have the support you need from an unbiased professional who can see all aspects of the situation at hand and give you the tools you will need to better understand, accept, cope with, change or better the situation. 

As I have mentioned on previous pages, I tailor my therapy to each unique individual and that holds true for family members as well because I believe each member is equally as important and should be equally heard and understood. 

Family therapy can be a long and difficult process because it involves several people 

along with their own feelings and issues, 

but if you’re ready and willing to start the journey, 

you’re already on your way to a healthier you and a healthier family! 


The first step is the hardest, 

but it’s one of courage, commitment and care that should be nurtured, 

just as you and your family should and would be throughout your therapeutic journey!  

If you're having family issues & you think you're ready to start therapy 

& your journey towards unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!

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