


Do you feel like you worry a lot or even too much?

Do your thoughts of worry interfere with your work, school, relationships or other parts of your life?

Are your worries or fears upsetting to you and/or difficult to control?

Do you feel like you can’t control your thoughts, find yourself thinking about something over and over again, or allow your worries or fears to dictate your choices or decisions in life?

Do you avoid certain situations due to excessive fears or worries about them or what may happen?

Do you constantly worry about a lot of things like your health, daily chores, school/work, issues and assorted things throughout your day?

Are you always anticipating the worst case scenario, even without cause? 

If you answered yes to or have been feeling any of these, 

you may be suffering with anxiety or even an anxiety disorder. 

The good news is you’re not alone! 

Research shows anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder in the U.S 

with an average of 40 million people currently suffering with them 

Fortunately, anxiety is very treatable and most people can find success 

in reducing or eliminating symptoms!    

Not everyone who has anxiety has an anxiety disorder. We all experience some level of anxiety at certain times in life and these situations are normal reactions to stresses we face. However, when anxiety becomes bothersome, uncontrollable, and interferes with daily functioning, it can become a disorder.  Read on to learn how to tell the difference and to help you clarify between normal anxiety and anxiety that may require some help.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to the stresses we experience in life, such as having to give a public speech, face a new situation, or take a test, to name just a few. Often times, once you face that situation or get used to the new change, it will decrease and fade away. In some cases anxiety can even be beneficial for us, such as when we are faced with danger and we need to focus and pay attention, then react accordingly.

However, in some cases, anxiety can cause feelings of intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations that can then become intense, overwhelming, and ultimately interfere with daily living. For example, constantly thinking about and/or worrying all day long about various things over & over without the ability to stop. Maybe even causing you to neglect other areas of your life. Another example is consistently declining invitations to gatherings or events you would otherwise enjoy for fear of feeling discomfort, unease or ridicule by others.  

When normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness evolve into excessive fear or heightened anxiety that last for long periods of time and interfere with your daily functioning, you may suffer from high anxiety or have an anxiety disorder. 

Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders &

affect nearly 30% of adults at some point in their lives.

They can cause symptoms including sweating, racing heart, shakiness, racing thoughts, headaches, difficulty breathing, feeling nervous, restless or tense, difficulty sleeping, feeling a sense of impending panic, doom or danger, difficulty controlling worry, difficulty concentrating or focusing away from the worry, and even avoiding things that you worry could trigger the anxiety.

In such cases, keep in mind that your worries may not go away on their own, and they may even get worse over time if you don't seek help. As I mentioned earlier, anxiety disorders are very treatable and both psychotherapy and CBT have been proven to be the most effective treatments for anxiety and related stresses. Psychotherapy and CBT can help you to gain insight into your anxiety and help you to learn how to take control over your symptoms, decrease and even eliminate them. 

As I have shared on previous pages, I use CBT as the basis for my psychotherapy, as well other helpful methods, tools, and strategies tailored to you as a unique individual to help you get complete care, support, and healing throughout your journey in therapy.  

Evidence has shown that most people who engage in psychotherapy to treat their anxiety have been successful at reducing and eliminating their symptoms after only a few months and after only a few sessions have already started to experience noticeable improvements!    


If you're struggling with anxiety & think you're ready to start therapy & your journey towards 

unique & personal healing, 

call me today for your free phone consultation 

(631) 339-1326.

We can chat about whatever is needed 

to help decide if 

You and A Different View Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC 

are the right fit!

*Before considering psychotherapy, please consider the following…

If you think your anxiety could be linked to a physical health problem, you should first consult with your medical doctor to get answers that could help alleviate symptoms.

If you feel depressed, have trouble with alcohol or drug use, or have other mental health concerns along with anxiety, you should first seek help from a medical doctor or professional as soon as possible and even consider looking into addiction specialists or programs.

Most Importantly: If you or a loved one are in crisis or have suicidal thoughts or behaviors, you should seek emergency medical help immediately by calling 911 or 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, available 24/7 for immediate assistance through call, text, or chat.

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